First Communion is an important moment in every child's life: a significant milestone after the catechism years, both for children and for their parents.
Buy Italian Style knows this well and that's why it dedicates a special category to the sacrament of Holy Communion.
The brand, which turns any party into an important event, produces many gadgets to choose from or combine to create a themed party: Little Prince, Flamingo, Unicorn, Teddy Bear, Sailor, Rose, etc.
To each of these characters and symbols are inspired personalized invitations, banners, placeholders, confetti cases and other gadgets, which can be personalized with the child's name or based on the event.
And also for the first communion party you will be able to dress your child with our personalized shirts, long or short sleeves. To leave nothing to chance, giving him an unforgettable celebration, choose BIS!
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